Sentences Wiki

How to use Able in a sentence? Understand with Examples

By Muazma Batool & Muneeza Rehman — Updated on September 28, 2023
Able refers to having the skill, power, or means to do something. e.g., She was able to solve the math problem easily.
Able in a sentence

Able Example Sentences

With a compass, they were able to find their way.
Aug 05, 2023
Sara is able to play the piano beautifully.
Aug 05, 2023
With hard work, you'll be able to achieve your goals.
Aug 05, 2023
He's able to solve the riddle without any clues.
Aug 05, 2023
He was able to finish his homework before dinner.
Muneeza Rehman
Aug 05, 2023
If you practice, you'll be able to write neatly.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023
I'm not able to attend the party tonight.
Aug 05, 2023
The firefighters were able to save the house.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023
Tim was able to repair the broken toy.
Aug 05, 2023
If you learn the rules, you'll be able to play the game.
Aug 05, 2023
The mechanic was able to fix the car quickly.
Aug 05, 2023
By saving money, he was able to buy a new bike.
Aug 05, 2023
They were able to see the movie on opening night.
Aug 05, 2023
The pilot was able to land the plane safely.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023
With practice, I was able to learn the new language.
Aug 05, 2023
The doctor was able to help the patient feel better.
Aug 05, 2023
She's able to swim across the lake without stopping.
Aug 05, 2023
She is able to read an entire book in one day.
Aug 05, 2023
He's able to lift the heavy box by himself.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023
With the right tools, you'll be able to build the model.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023
She's able to dance gracefully after only a few lessons.
Aug 05, 2023
He was able to join the soccer team this year.
Aug 05, 2023
He's able to run faster than anyone in his class.
Aug 05, 2023
She's able to bake delicious cookies from scratch.
Aug 05, 2023
Are you able to help me with this puzzle?
Aug 05, 2023
By following the map, we were able to find the treasure.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023
I'm able to visit my grandparents this weekend.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023
They were able to finish the project on time.
Aug 05, 2023
I'm able to go to the concert next week.
Aug 05, 2023
She's able to take care of her younger brother.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023
After practicing, he was able to hit the target.
Aug 05, 2023
The artist was able to create a stunning painting.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023
He's able to perform the trick after practicing.
Aug 05, 2023
The athlete was able to break the record.
Aug 05, 2023
If you're careful, you'll be able to complete the puzzle.
Aug 05, 2023
She's able to climb the tree without assistance.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023
If you work hard, you'll be able to win the competition.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023
I was able to catch the bus just in time.
Aug 05, 2023
By reading the instructions, you'll be able to assemble the furniture.
Aug 05, 2023
By studying hard, she was able to pass the test.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023
The teacher was able to explain the problem clearly.
Aug 05, 2023
He was able to answer the question correctly.
Aug 05, 2023
With a telescope, you'll be able to see the stars.
Aug 05, 2023
We were able to enjoy a beautiful sunset at the beach.
Aug 05, 2023
She was able to get a good seat at the theater.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023
By paying attention, you'll be able to learn more.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023
They were able to arrive at the station just in time.
Aug 05, 2023
The chef was able to prepare the meal perfectly.
Aug 05, 2023
They were able to see the whole city from the mountain.
Aug 05, 2023
The scientist was able to discover a new element.
Aug 05, 2023

Able Definitions

Legally or financially empowered or qualified.
They are able to sign the contract.
Sep 28, 2023
Displaying intelligence or aptitude.
She is an able student in her class.
Muazma Batool
Sep 28, 2023
Competent in a specific skill or area.
He's an able mathematician.
Muazma Batool
Sep 28, 2023
Having physical or mental strength or capability.
He was able to walk despite his injury.
Muazma Batool
Sep 28, 2023
Having the power, skill, or means to do something.
She was able to complete the task efficiently.
Muazma Batool
Sep 28, 2023

Idioms & Phrases with Able

Able to keep one's head above water

Managing to survive, particularly financially.
Even with a low income, he was able to keep his head above water.
Aug 05, 2023

Able to pull the wool over someone's eyes

Deceiving someone by hiding the truth.
You can't lie to me; you won't be able to pull the wool over my eyes.
Aug 05, 2023

Able to go the extra mile

Willing to make a special effort to achieve something.
She's a great employee and always able to go the extra mile for our team.
Aug 05, 2023

Able to see eye to eye

Agreeing with someone or understanding them well.
Although they're brothers, they are rarely able to see eye to eye.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023

Able to take the bull by the horns

Taking control of a situation with confidence and determination.
He was able to take the bull by the horns and lead the project to success.
Muneeza Rehman
Aug 05, 2023

Able to paint the town red

Going out and enjoying oneself flamboyantly.
After the final exams, they were able to paint the town red.
Aug 05, 2023

Able to make ends meet

Managing one's financial resources so as to make them last.
Sarah was able to make ends meet by budgeting wisely.
Aug 05, 2023

Able to cut the mustard

Being able to perform a task or meet expectations.
I'm not sure he's able to cut the mustard as the new manager.
Aug 05, 2023

Able to hit the nail on the head

Identifying something exactly; being precisely correct.
Your explanation was perfect; you were able to hit the nail on the head.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023

Able to keep one's nose to the grindstone

Working hard and continuously.
She was able to keep her nose to the grindstone and finished her thesis on time.
Aug 05, 2023

Able Frequently Asked Questions

What does the word 'short' mean?

Short refers to the measurement of length, being of little extent from end to end. It can also describe something brief or concise in duration or expression.
Muneeza Rehman
Aug 05, 2023

Is the word 'short' an adjective?

Yes, the word 'short' is primarily used as an adjective to describe the length, duration, or briefness of something.
Aug 05, 2023

What are synonyms for the word 'short'?

Some synonyms for the word 'short' include brief, concise, compact, limited, truncated, and abrupt.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023

How can the word 'short' be used in a sentence?

The word 'short' can be used in various ways. For example: The short distance between the two towns makes commuting easy.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023

Can 'short' be used as a verb?

Yes, 'short' can be used as a verb, meaning to cause a shortage or failure in the electrical flow. For example, if a wire is damaged, it might short a circuit.
Muazma Batool
Aug 05, 2023

Can the word 'short' be used in different contexts?

Yes, 'short' can refer to physical length, a brief amount of time, or a concise manner of speaking or writing. It can also be used in financial contexts, such as short selling in the stock market.
Aug 05, 2023

Content Creators

Written by
Muazma Batool
With a passion for collaboration, Muazma significantly contributes to Sentences.Wiki. Her dedication and ever-growing knowledge make her a vital asset, adept at shaping ideas and information into compelling sentences.
Co-written by
Muneeza Rehman
At Sentences Wiki, Muneeza's passion for sentences goes beyond mere wordsmithing. She believes that sentences are the building blocks of effective communication and storytelling, and she strives to empower others to harness their potential for expression and persuasion.

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