Sentences Wiki

How to use Habit in a sentence? Understand with Examples

By Muazma Batool & Muneeza Rehman — Updated on September 28, 2023
A habit is a regular behavior or practice that is often done unconsciously. e.g., Brushing your teeth every morning is a good habit.
Habit in a sentence

Habit Example Sentences

He had the habit of waking up early.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
Eating healthy is a habit worth cultivating.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
It's a bad habit to bite your nails.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
Changing a deeply ingrained habit can be challenging.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
Making your bed daily is a productive habit.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
Whistling all the time is her signature habit.
Aug 24, 2023
His habit of leaving things unfinished frustrated his team.
Aug 24, 2023
She made a habit of reading before bed.
Muneeza Rehman
Aug 24, 2023
He developed a habit of jogging every evening.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
They adopted the habit of saving money every month.
Aug 24, 2023
It's a wise habit to review your notes after class.
Aug 24, 2023
Her habit of singing in the shower made everyone smile.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
Cleaning up after yourself is a respectful habit.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
Taking a walk after dinner became their family habit.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
Meditation is a calming habit to start your day with.
Aug 24, 2023
He had the peculiar habit of counting steps as he climbed.
Aug 24, 2023
She tried to break her habit of snacking late at night.
Aug 24, 2023
The puppy developed a habit of chasing its tail.
Aug 24, 2023
Taking deep breaths is a good habit when you're stressed.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
The old man had a habit of telling tales from his youth.
Aug 24, 2023
Writing a journal every night is a therapeutic habit.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
It's a dangerous habit to text while driving.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
Recycling is a responsible habit to help the environment.
Aug 24, 2023
Brushing twice a day is a dental-recommended habit.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
The habit of overthinking often leads to unnecessary stress.
Aug 24, 2023
Learning a new word daily is a fantastic habit for vocabulary growth.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
It's a rewarding habit to compliment someone genuinely.
Aug 24, 2023
Turning off lights when not in use is an energy-saving habit.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
Practicing kindness is a habit that benefits everyone.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
She made it a habit to water plants every Sunday.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
She had the endearing habit of tilting her head when confused.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
Avoiding sugary drinks is a beneficial health habit.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
He took up the habit of painting to express himself.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
The habit of procrastinating should be tackled early on.
Aug 24, 2023
A consistent sleep schedule is a rejuvenating habit.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
She worked hard to establish a habit of gratitude.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
His habit of checking the weather helped plan their outings.
Aug 24, 2023
The teacher encouraged the habit of asking questions.
Aug 24, 2023
Eating breakfast fuels you for the day, making it an essential habit.
Aug 24, 2023
The habit of double-checking ensures fewer mistakes.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
Writing a to-do list is a habit that boosts productivity.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
It became his habit to help his sister with her homework.
Aug 24, 2023
Stretching before a workout is a protective habit.
Aug 24, 2023
The cat developed a habit of napping on the windowsill.
Aug 24, 2023
It's an admirable habit to always speak the truth.
Aug 24, 2023
Drinking water regularly is a hydrating habit.
Aug 24, 2023
Making time for family is a cherished habit.
Aug 24, 2023
The bird had the habit of mimicking phone ringtones.
Aug 24, 2023
Listening more than speaking is a habit of good communicators.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023
Remembering birthdays is a thoughtful habit that friends appreciate.
Aug 24, 2023

Habit Definitions

An acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly involuntary.
She had a habit of biting her nails.
Muazma Batool
Sep 28, 2023
A distinctive set of garments or costume.
The nun wore her religious habit.
Muazma Batool
Sep 28, 2023
A plant's characteristic form or mode of growth.
This plant has a creeping habit.
Sep 28, 2023
A customary or frequent activity.
Reading before bed is his nightly habit.
Sep 28, 2023
A regular practice or tendency.
Brushing your teeth is a good habit.
Muazma Batool
Sep 28, 2023

Idioms & Phrases with Habit

Habit is second nature

Something you do regularly and automatically, as if it's a natural thing to do.
For her, playing the guitar was so ingrained; habit was second nature.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023

Creature of habit

A person who follows a routine and dislikes change.
She ordered the same coffee every day; she was truly a creature of habit.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023

Old habits die hard

This means that it's difficult to stop doing something you've done for a long time.
Even after retiring, he woke up at 5 am every day, proving that old habits die hard.
Muneeza Rehman
Aug 24, 2023

Out of habit

Doing something automatically without thinking because you have done it so many times before.
He took the usual turn home even on his day off, purely out of habit.
Aug 24, 2023

Break the habit

To stop doing something that you do regularly.
She finally managed to break the habit of smoking.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023

In the habit of

Doing something regularly.
She was in the habit of taking a short nap after lunch.
Aug 24, 2023

Kick the habit

To stop doing something bad that you do regularly.
With some support, he was able to kick the habit of drinking.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023

Habit of a lifetime

Something that a person has been doing for most of their life.
Reading at night was a habit of a lifetime for him.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023

Force of habit

Doing something automatically without thinking.
He checked his watch, even though he had his phone, just force of habit.
Aug 24, 2023

Make a habit out of something

Start doing something regularly.
She began to make a habit out of practicing yoga every morning.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023

Habit Frequently Asked Questions

How is a habit formed?

Habits are formed through repeated actions or behaviors in response to specific triggers or cues. Over time, these actions become automatic and require less conscious effort.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023

Why are habits important?

Habits play a significant role in our daily lives. They can shape our health, productivity, and well-being. Good habits can lead to positive outcomes, while bad habits can have detrimental effects.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023

How can I develop a new habit?

To develop a new habit, start small, be consistent, identify and prepare for potential obstacles, reward your progress, and be patient with yourself.
Aug 24, 2023

What are some examples of good habits?

Good habits might include regular exercise, healthy eating, reading, meditation, and practicing gratitude, among others.
Aug 24, 2023

Why do some people struggle with habits more than others?

Individual differences, past experiences, mindset, environment, and levels of motivation and discipline can influence one's ability to form and maintain habits.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023

What is a habit?

A habit is a regular behavior or practice, often done unconsciously, that a person develops through repetition over time.
Muneeza Rehman
Aug 24, 2023

Can habits be changed?

Yes, habits can be changed. While it can be challenging to break old habits and form new ones, with persistence, awareness, and strategies, it is possible.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023

What's the difference between a habit and a routine?

While both habits and routines involve regular and repeated actions, a habit is an automatic behavior done without conscious thought, whereas a routine is a set of actions deliberately performed in a specific order.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023

How long does it take to form a habit?

It's commonly believed it takes 21 days to form a habit, but research suggests it can vary widely based on the individual and the complexity of the habit. It could take anywhere from 18 to 254 days.
Aug 24, 2023

What are the benefits of cultivating positive habits?

Positive habits can improve physical health, mental well-being, increase productivity, foster positive relationships, and contribute to a better quality of life overall.
Muazma Batool
Aug 24, 2023

Content Creators

Written by
Muazma Batool
With a passion for collaboration, Muazma significantly contributes to Sentences.Wiki. Her dedication and ever-growing knowledge make her a vital asset, adept at shaping ideas and information into compelling sentences.
Co-written by
Muneeza Rehman
At Sentences Wiki, Muneeza's passion for sentences goes beyond mere wordsmithing. She believes that sentences are the building blocks of effective communication and storytelling, and she strives to empower others to harness their potential for expression and persuasion.

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