Sentences Wiki

How to use Internal in a sentence? Understand with Examples

By Muazma Batool & Muneeza Rehman — Updated on September 29, 2023
Internal means inside or within something or someone. e.g., The company is dealing with an internal issue that's affecting staff morale.
Internal in a sentence

Internal Example Sentences

The internal dynamics of a team greatly affect its performance.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
She had an internal debate before making her final decision.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
Your internal compass should always guide your decisions.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
It was an internal issue that caused the delay in production.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
Our internal communication strategy needs to be improved.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
The issue is an internal affair that outsiders wouldn't understand.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
They will conduct an internal audit to ensure everything is in order.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
There is an internal conflict in the storyline that makes the novel intriguing.
Jul 18, 2023
The internal workings of the machine were fascinating to observe.
Jul 18, 2023
He has a robust internal defense mechanism that helps him cope with stress.
Jul 18, 2023
They need to resolve their internal disagreements before proceeding with the project.
Jul 18, 2023
The internal architecture of the building was breathtaking.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
The healing process of the wound is mostly internal.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
He harbors an internal fear of public speaking.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
The internal clock of the body regulates our sleep cycle.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
I have an internal feeling that this is the right way to proceed.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
The internal wiring of the house was outdated.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
Your internal vision should guide your journey.
Jul 18, 2023
An internal review of the project will be conducted next week.
Jul 18, 2023
The internal system of the car was damaged in the accident.
Jul 18, 2023
The country's internal economy is quite stable.
Jul 18, 2023
It's an internal server error that's preventing us from accessing the data.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
She has a strong internal drive to succeed.
Jul 18, 2023
He spent a year on internal assignment for the company in Paris.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
The internal security of the company was breached.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
The government is dealing with several internal threats to national security.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
She has an internal intuition that rarely leads her astray.
Jul 18, 2023
The car's internal combustion engine was running smoothly.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
Her internal monologue was filled with self-doubt.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
The software update will improve the internal processing speed of your device.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
The internal structure of the molecule was complex.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
The internal temperature of the oven must be maintained for the cake to bake properly.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
Their company policy discourages internal competition among employees.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
She works in the internal affairs department of the police force.
Jul 18, 2023
The software has an internal error that needs immediate fixing.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
Doctors often perform internal examinations to diagnose certain health conditions.
Jul 18, 2023
This incident has caused an internal investigation in the company.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
An internal monologue kept running through his head.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
The company maintains an internal blog for its employees.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
The conflict is more about internal politics than anything else.
Jul 18, 2023
An internal leak of information caused quite a stir in the office.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
He has an exceptional understanding of the internal mechanics of the device.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
The internal circuitry of the computer was fried in the power surge.
Jul 18, 2023
His internal struggle was visible in his paintings.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
An internal transformation has made him more empathetic.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
There is an internal hierarchy in the organization that's hard to ignore.
Jul 18, 2023
The creature's internal anatomy is unique among species.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023
The internal logic of the argument was flawed.
Jul 18, 2023
He's part of the internal medicine department at the hospital.
Jul 18, 2023
The organization has internal regulations that all members must follow.
Muazma Batool
Jul 18, 2023

Internal Definitions

Concerning the inner nature or character of something.
Her internal struggle was evident in her writing.
Muazma Batool
Sep 29, 2023
Located or occurring within an organism or part.
The medicine provided relief from internal pain.
Muazma Batool
Sep 29, 2023
Existing or situated within the limits or surface.
The device has a significant amount of internal storage.
Muazma Batool
Sep 29, 2023
Private or confidential.
Only a few members had access to the internal documents.
Sep 29, 2023
Relating to the domestic affairs of a country or organization.
The country faced some serious internal challenges.
Muazma Batool
Sep 29, 2023

Idioms & Phrases with Internal

Keep it internal

To maintain confidentiality or secrecy within a specific group or organization.
The company decided to keep the new product development plans internal to prevent leaks to competitors.
Muazma Batool
Jul 28, 2023

Internal affairs

A department within an organization responsible for investigating its own employees' conduct.
The police department's internal affairs unit is investigating the officer's alleged misconduct.
Jul 28, 2023

Internal control

Systems and processes put in place within an organization to safeguard assets and ensure accurate financial reporting.
The company implemented stringent internal controls to prevent fraud.
Muazma Batool
Jul 28, 2023

Internalize emotions

To process and deal with emotions internally without expressing them outwardly.
He tends to internalize his frustrations rather than vent them to others.
Muazma Batool
Jul 28, 2023

Internal dialogue

A person's inner thoughts and conversations they have with themselves.
During the stressful exam, she had an internal dialogue, trying to calm her nerves.
Jul 28, 2023

Internal bleeding

Bleeding that occurs inside the body, not visible from the outside.
After the accident, the victim was rushed to the hospital due to suspected internal bleeding.
Jul 28, 2023

Internal clock

An innate sense of timekeeping within a person.
Even without looking at the clock, he woke up at the same time every day, thanks to his internal clock.
Jul 28, 2023

Internal monologue

A continuous flow of thoughts and feelings occurs within a person's mind.
As she waited for her turn to speak, she had an internal monologue, preparing her points for the discussion.
Jul 28, 2023

Internal combustion

The process of burning fuel within an engine to produce power.
Most automobiles today rely on internal combustion engines for propulsion.
Muazma Batool
Jul 28, 2023

Internal network

A private communication system within an organization or a group of interconnected systems within a single entity.
The company's internal network facilitates seamless communication among its employees.
Muazma Batool
Jul 28, 2023

Internal memo

Written communication circulates within an organization for internal use only.
The manager sent an internal memo to all employees regarding the upcoming team-building event.
Muazma Batool
Jul 28, 2023

Internal conflict

A psychological struggle within oneself, often involving competing desires or beliefs.
The protagonist in the novel faces an internal conflict between following his heart and fulfilling his duty.
Muazma Batool
Jul 28, 2023

Internal Frequently Asked Questions

What is the origin of the word "internal"?

"Internal" comes from the Latin word "internus," meaning "inward" or "on the inside."
Aug 09, 2023

What part of speech is "internal"?

"Internal" is an adjective, meaning situated or existing in the inside of something.
Muneeza Rehman
Aug 09, 2023

Can "internal" also be used as a noun?

Yes, in specific contexts, "internal" can function as a noun referring to an inner part or feature.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023

Can "internal" be used to describe feelings or thoughts?

Yes, "internal" can describe feelings or thoughts that are not expressed outwardly, as in "internal struggles" or "internal debate."
Aug 09, 2023

What is the antonym of "internal"?

The antonym of "internal" is "external," referring to the outside or outer part of something.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023

How do you form the adverb of "internal"?

The adverb form is "internally," which means in an internal manner, on the inside, or within.
Aug 09, 2023

Can "internal" be used in a medical context?

Yes, "internal" is often used in medicine to describe things that occur or are located within the body, as in "internal injuries" or "internal medicine."
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023

Is "internal" a frequent word in the English language?

Yes, "internal" is a commonly used word, especially in contexts relating to structures, systems, and processes within organizations or entities.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023

Is there a difference between "interior" and "internal"?

While both refer to something inside, "interior" often relates to the inside space or surface of something, while "internal" more broadly denotes anything situated or occurring within something else.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023

Can "internal" be used figuratively?

Yes, "internal" can be used in a figurative sense to denote inner feelings, thoughts, or processes that aren't visible or outwardly expressed.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023

Content Creators

Written by
Muazma Batool
With a passion for collaboration, Muazma significantly contributes to Sentences.Wiki. Her dedication and ever-growing knowledge make her a vital asset, adept at shaping ideas and information into compelling sentences.
Co-written by
Muneeza Rehman
At Sentences Wiki, Muneeza's passion for sentences goes beyond mere wordsmithing. She believes that sentences are the building blocks of effective communication and storytelling, and she strives to empower others to harness their potential for expression and persuasion.

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