Sentences Wiki

How to use Retrospect in a sentence? Understand with Examples

By Muneeza Rehman & Muazma Batool — Published on February 9, 2024
Retrospect refers to the act of looking back on or reviewing past events or situations. e.g., In retrospect, she realized her decision was hasty.
Retrospect in a sentence

Retrospect Example Sentences

In retrospect, his choice was clearly the right one.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024
He mentioned, in retrospect, that he could have acted differently.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024
Upon retrospect, the solution to the problem was obvious.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024
The retrospect of her childhood brought a smile to her face.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024
The team's success, in retrospect, was due to their hard work.
Muazma Batool
Feb 09, 2024
Retrospect gave him a better understanding of the situation.
Feb 09, 2024
She often spent time in retrospect, thinking about her past.
Feb 09, 2024
In retrospect, the signs were all there.
Feb 09, 2024
Her career, in retrospect, was a series of fortunate events.
Feb 09, 2024
In retrospect, he regretted not taking the opportunity.
Feb 09, 2024
His life, in retrospect, was a tale of ups and downs.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024
The retrospect of their relationship made him nostalgic.
Muazma Batool
Feb 09, 2024
They viewed the project in retrospect as a learning experience.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024
The company's growth, in retrospect, was impressive.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024
She could appreciate the humor of the situation in retrospect.
Feb 09, 2024
The retrospect of the journey showed how far they had come.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024
In retrospect, the decision to move was the right one.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024
His actions were only understandable in retrospect.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024
In retrospect, the risk was worth it.
Feb 09, 2024
Retrospect helped her to forgive and forget.
Feb 09, 2024
In retrospect, the clues were obvious.
Feb 09, 2024
She understood, in retrospect, why he reacted that way.
Feb 09, 2024
The retrospect of the event revealed its true significance.
Feb 09, 2024
The meeting, in retrospect, was unnecessary.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024
In retrospect, her fears were unfounded.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024
He could see, in retrospect, how he could have improved.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024
Retrospect provided clarity to her confused thoughts.
Feb 09, 2024
In retrospect, the warning signs were quite clear.
Feb 09, 2024
The retrospect of those years brought mixed emotions.
Feb 09, 2024
The success of the policy was evident in retrospect.
Feb 09, 2024
In retrospect, the investment was a sound decision.
Feb 09, 2024
The retrospect of the conversation made him realize his mistake.
Feb 09, 2024
Retrospect provided insight into the complex issue.
Feb 09, 2024
Retrospect made the sequence of events clear.
Muazma Batool
Feb 09, 2024
The decision seemed foolish in retrospect.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024
In retrospect, they should have acted sooner.
Feb 09, 2024
The retrospect of the era showed its historical significance.
Muazma Batool
Feb 09, 2024
Retrospect made them realize the importance of their choices.
Muazma Batool
Feb 09, 2024
The film was interesting, especially in retrospect.
Feb 09, 2024
His words, in retrospect, held a deeper meaning.
Feb 09, 2024
The project, in retrospect, was a major milestone.
Feb 09, 2024
The decision, in retrospect, set a precedent.
Feb 09, 2024
She viewed her past actions with retrospect and regret.
Muazma Batool
Feb 09, 2024
Retrospect allowed him to see the bigger picture.
Feb 09, 2024
In retrospect, the hardships were worth the outcome.
Feb 09, 2024
The event, in retrospect, was a turning point.
Feb 09, 2024
His life, in retrospect, was dedicated to helping others.
Feb 09, 2024
In retrospect, the changes were inevitable.
Feb 09, 2024
His advice, in retrospect, was extremely valuable.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024
The retrospect of their achievements filled them with pride.
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Definitions

An instance of contemplating the past; a recollection.
The book offers a detailed retrospect of the author's childhood.
Muneeza Rehman
Jan 30, 2024
The act of thinking about the past with consideration or reflection.
In retrospect, he understood the consequences of his actions.
Muneeza Rehman
Jan 30, 2024
A survey or review of a past course of events or period of time.
The retrospect of the company's growth showed a clear pattern of success.
Muneeza Rehman
Jan 30, 2024
Reflection or contemplation of the past.
Her retrospect on the years spent abroad brought both joy and sadness.
Jan 30, 2024
The act of looking back on or reviewing past events or situations.
In retrospect, the festival was the highlight of their summer.
Muneeza Rehman
Jan 30, 2024

Idioms & Phrases with Retrospect

Retrospect Revelation

A sudden understanding or insight gained after reflecting on past events.
His retrospect revelation made him appreciate the advice his father had given him years ago.
Muazma Batool
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Realization

The act of coming to understand something clearly after thinking about it in the past.
Her retrospect realization about the importance of work-life balance led her to change her hectic lifestyle.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024

In Retrospect of Wisdom

Refers to understanding or realizing something better after thinking about it later.
In retrospect of wisdom, she understood that taking the job in another city was the best decision for her career.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Perspective

Viewing or considering past events with a new understanding or insight.
With a retrospect perspective, she saw that the challenges she faced had made her stronger.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Wisdom

The knowledge or insight gained from looking back at past experiences.
His retrospect wisdom told him that taking risks was essential for growth.
Muazma Batool
Feb 09, 2024

In the Light of Retrospect

Understanding something better when looking back at it from a future point.
In the light of retrospect, the decision to move abroad for study seemed incredibly valuable.
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Reflection

The act of thinking deeply about past actions or events.
His retrospect reflection on his childhood influenced his parenting style.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Judgment

Forming an opinion or conclusion about past events after reflecting on them.
Her retrospect judgment was that she should have communicated her concerns earlier.
Muazma Batool
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Regret

Feeling sorry or regretful about something only after time has passed.
He felt a deep retrospect regret for not spending more time with his grandparents when he had the chance.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Clarity

Achieving a clear understanding of something after considering it in the past.
He gained retrospect clarity about his career path after discussing his past experiences with a mentor.
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Analysis

Examining or reviewing past events to gain a better understanding of them.
His retrospect analysis of the failed project revealed crucial errors in planning.
Feb 09, 2024

A Moment of Retrospect

Taking a brief time to reflect on past experiences or decisions.
During a moment of retrospect, he understood why the project had failed.
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Insight

Gaining a deeper understanding or new viewpoint about past events upon reflection.
Her retrospect insight helped her mend fences with old friends.
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Learning

Learning from past experiences or mistakes after considering them later.
Through retrospect learning, she realized the importance of patience in achieving goals.
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Evaluation

Assessing or reevaluating past actions or decisions at a later time.
The retrospect evaluation of his investment choices showed that they were sound.
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Epiphany

A sudden and profound realization or understanding about something from the past.
He had a retrospect epiphany that his happiest times were spent in nature.
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Acknowledgment

Recognizing or admitting something about the past after thinking about it.
Her retrospect acknowledgment of her mistakes helped heal old wounds.
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Reconsideration

Re-thinking or reassessing something in light of past experiences.
After a retrospect reconsideration, they decided to reinstate the old management policy.
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Gratitude

Feeling thankful or appreciative about something only after reflecting on it.
He felt retrospect gratitude for the hardships he faced, as they shaped his character.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Lesson

A lesson learned or a piece of wisdom gained from reflecting on past experiences.
The most important retrospect lesson for her was to trust her instincts.
Feb 09, 2024

Retrospect Frequently Asked Questions

Is 'retrospect' a formal or informal word?

Retrospect is considered a formal word, often used in written language or formal speech to discuss past events or experiences.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024

Can 'retrospect' be used as a verb?

No, 'retrospect' is primarily used as a noun. The verb form is 'retrospectively', which means looking back on something from a later point in time.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024

What is the difference between 'retrospect' and 'introspect'?

While 'retrospect' involves looking back at past events or experiences, 'introspect' refers to examining one's own internal thoughts and feelings.
Feb 09, 2024

What is the meaning of 'retrospect'?

Retrospect refers to the act of looking back on or reviewing past events or situations, often with a new perspective or understanding. It involves reflection on what has already happened.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024

How do you use 'retrospect' in a sentence?

Retrospect is often used to express reflection on past events. For example, "In retrospect, I realize I could have handled the situation better."
Feb 09, 2024

What is the origin of the word 'retrospect'?

The word 'retrospect' comes from the Latin 'retrospectare', which means 'to look back'. It is a combination of the Latin words 'retro' (back) and 'spectare' (to look).
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024

Are there any synonyms for 'retrospect'?

Yes, words like hindsight, reflection, and recollection serve as synonyms for retrospect.
Muazma Batool
Feb 09, 2024

Is 'retrospect' a common word in English?

While not extremely common in everyday conversation, 'retrospect' is a well-understood and frequently used word in formal writing and discussions.
Feb 09, 2024

Can 'retrospect' be used in all tenses?

As a noun, 'retrospect' doesn't change according to tense. However, its related adverb 'retrospectively' can be used to describe actions in different tenses.
Feb 09, 2024

Can 'retrospect' be used in a negative context?

Yes, 'retrospect' can be used in negative contexts, especially when reflecting on past mistakes or regrets.
Muneeza Rehman
Feb 09, 2024

Content Creators

Written by
Muneeza Rehman
At Sentences Wiki, Muneeza's passion for sentences goes beyond mere wordsmithing. She believes that sentences are the building blocks of effective communication and storytelling, and she strives to empower others to harness their potential for expression and persuasion.
Co-written by
Muazma Batool
With a passion for collaboration, Muazma significantly contributes to Sentences.Wiki. Her dedication and ever-growing knowledge make her a vital asset, adept at shaping ideas and information into compelling sentences.

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