Sentences Wiki

How to use Slight in a sentence? Understand with Examples

By Muazma Batool & Muneeza Rehman — Updated on September 28, 2023
"Slight" refers to something small, minimal, or of lesser importance. e.g., There was only a slight difference between the two pictures.
Slight in a sentence

Slight Example Sentences

The error made a slight impact on the results.
Muneeza Rehman
Aug 09, 2023
Her words had a slight hint of sarcasm.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
There's only a slight chance of rain today.
Aug 09, 2023
He paid slight attention to the teacher's warning.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
She felt a slight chill in the room.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
She made a slight adjustment to the dress.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
There's a slight possibility she might come.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The movie had a slight twist at the end.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The recipe needs only a slight modification.
Aug 09, 2023
The story made a slight impression on me.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The price increase was very slight this year.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The flight experienced a slight delay.
Aug 09, 2023
He had a slight grin on his face.
Aug 09, 2023
He gave me a slight nod of approval.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
His comment was meant as a slight joke.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The book had a slight bend in its cover.
Aug 09, 2023
He noticed a slight tremor in her hand.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
I felt a slight bump while driving.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The patient showed a slight improvement.
Aug 09, 2023
There was a slight decrease in sales.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
He suffered a slight injury during the game.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
Her voice had a slight echo in the hall.
Aug 09, 2023
She took a slight detour on her way home.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The soup has a slight tangy flavor.
Aug 09, 2023
There was only a slight margin of error.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The water was cold with a slight breeze.
Aug 09, 2023
I felt a slight pinch on my arm.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The plant needs only slight watering.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The phone had a slight scratch on its back.
Aug 09, 2023
He gave it a slight push to start.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The artist added a slight shade to the portrait.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
She heard a slight rustling in the bushes.
Aug 09, 2023
There was a slight mismatch in their testimonies.
Aug 09, 2023
The car has a slight dent from the accident.
Aug 09, 2023
I have a slight preference for chocolate over vanilla.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The mountain had a slight slope.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
There's only a slight residue left in the bottle.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
He felt a slight tug on the fishing line.
Aug 09, 2023
I have a slight allergy to pollen.
Aug 09, 2023
She made a slight gesture to come closer.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The dish needs a slight sprinkle of salt.
Aug 09, 2023
I experienced a slight dizziness after the ride.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The cloth has a slight texture to it.
Aug 09, 2023
The colors in the painting were slight and soft.
Aug 09, 2023
The music played at a slight volume.
Aug 09, 2023
Her skirt had a slight tear on the side.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The computer showed a slight glitch.
Aug 09, 2023
The wood has a slight curve.
Aug 09, 2023
The door was open a slight bit.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023
The bird has a slight limp when it walks.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023

Slight Definitions

Small in degree or extent.
There was a slight change in temperature today.
Muazma Batool
Sep 28, 2023
Thin or slender in form.
The reeds were slight, swaying with the breeze.
Sep 28, 2023
Showing little effort or care; dismissive.
He gave her only a slight nod of acknowledgment.
Muazma Batool
Sep 28, 2023
Delicate or fragile in build or structure.
The vase had a slight design, making it easy to break.
Muazma Batool
Sep 28, 2023
An insult caused by a failure to show someone proper respect or attention.
She took his comment as a slight against her abilities.
Sep 28, 2023

Idioms & Phrases with Slight

Without the slightest hesitation

Without any delay or doubt.
She accepted the job offer without the slightest hesitation.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023

In the slightest

At all; even a little.
I don't mind in the slightest if we stay in tonight.
Aug 09, 2023

Give someone the slight

To intentionally ignore or snub someone.
She felt bad when her friends gave her the slight at the party.
Muneeza Rehman
Aug 09, 2023

Slight chance

A small possibility.
There's a slight chance that it might rain tomorrow.
Aug 09, 2023

Slight return

A brief comeback or reappearance.
The band made a slight return with a new album after years.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023

Take slight at

To be offended by.
She took slight at his rude remarks.
Aug 09, 2023

At a slight angle

Not completely straight; slightly tilted.
The picture was hanging at a slight angle.
Aug 09, 2023

Slight the odds

To underestimate the chances.
Despite the challenges, he slighted the odds and succeeded.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023

Not the slightest idea

To have absolutely no knowledge about something.
I don't have the slightest idea where my keys are.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023

Slight of hand

Quick and deceptive action, especially in magic tricks.
The magician's slight of hand amazed the audience.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023

Slight Frequently Asked Questions

What's the origin of "slight"?

The word "slight" comes from Old Norse "sléttr," which means smooth or even. It evolved to mean delicate or fine, and later took on the sense of being small in degree or amount.
Aug 09, 2023

What part of speech is "slight"?

"Slight" can function both as an adjective and as a verb. As an adjective, it describes something as being small in degree or amount. As a verb, it means to insult by treating with indifference.
Muneeza Rehman
Aug 09, 2023

Is "slight" a formal word?

"Slight" is a neutral word and can be used in both formal and informal contexts. Its usage is appropriate in academic, professional, and casual communications.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023

Can "slight" be used to describe people?

Yes, "slight" can be used to describe a person's physique as being slender or thin. However, context is essential as it can be sensitive when referring to someone's appearance.
Muazma Batool
Aug 09, 2023

Is there a synonym for "slight" when used as an insult?

Yes, when "slight" is used to mean treating someone with disdain or neglect, synonyms might include "snub" or "disregard."
Aug 09, 2023

How do you pronounce "slight"?

"Slight" is pronounced as /slaɪt/.
Aug 09, 2023

Content Creators

Written by
Muazma Batool
With a passion for collaboration, Muazma significantly contributes to Sentences.Wiki. Her dedication and ever-growing knowledge make her a vital asset, adept at shaping ideas and information into compelling sentences.
Co-written by
Muneeza Rehman
At Sentences Wiki, Muneeza's passion for sentences goes beyond mere wordsmithing. She believes that sentences are the building blocks of effective communication and storytelling, and she strives to empower others to harness their potential for expression and persuasion.

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